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The Realm of Magic: The Red Knight
‘Woe to the House of Draconus for the blood they spilled.
One day, the house will fall.’
PRINCE Tarquin Draconus sets out with his Moon Knights and the wizard Dru-Mak to locate his twin sister, a sha’tar, and the last two Amulets of Amalthea. All three amulets and the sha’tar are needed to release the immense power of the magical Gryfwd, a blade created by the ancient Drakons to restore the balance between good and evil.
Tarquin and his twin sister are the prophesized Dualta, born a thousand years earlier and brought to the future to slay the God of Chaos, Rabin Dranath. Rabin has murdered all but two members of the Royal House of Draconus: Sylvia, the Princess of the Summerlands, and Tanis, the young daughter of Tarquin’s brother, the late King Thorston. But darkling shapeshifters are replacing everyone in positions of power throughout the land.
Rabin Dranath now controls the kingdom of Arkadia. An undead boy prince sits on the throne, and a bounty lies on Tarquin’s head. With brigands, bounty hunters, dark gods, and a vengeful black dragon hunting for him, every step Tarquin takes will either lead him to victory or annihilation.
The Art of Storytelling
I strive to write exciting books with deep plots and intricate subplots interwoven to create a compelling story. Readers want to bond with characters and relate to their problems. With fifteen novels now published, I have learned it’s not always the main character readers relate to in a story, and more often than not, it’s the secondary characters who win their hearts—characters who may lack confidence or courage and have strange quirks or dark pasts.
When building a world, it’s essential to research and know what you’re writing about, so I rely on history and my own life experiences to make my stories believable. Building solid, multi-faceted characters is just as important as world craft. A hero and/or heroine is only effective if the antagonist is a real threat, and every villain is a hero in their own mind. Therefore, I want my readers to understand why the antagonist feels animosity toward the protagonist or the world at large and possibly sympathize with them and their situation.
While working in my family law practice, I learned there is more than one side to any story. You have to listen to both individuals in a legal matter in order to fully understand the case, and in fiction, it’s the same thing. The author’s job is capture the reader’s interest and to solicit strong emotions about the characters and the situations they are placed in. Just like real life, it’s a matter of perspective on who a reader empathizes with and roots for in a story. People are complicated, after all. A reader deserves to know the full story and why characters are motivated to act or react as they do and feel satisfied with the final outcome by the time they read 'The End.'
- Susanne L. Lambdin, Author
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Podcast Interviews
This dark fantasy series is about Taliesin, a young woman adopted by the Raven Clan, who scavenge off battlefields by permission of the King of Caladonia. With an amazing ability to locate magical weapons, in a realm where magic is outlawed, Taliesin finds a magical sword, a mysterious map, and a royal flag, which launches her into the middle of a civil war in the realm of Caladonia, with major factions, including the Eagle Clan and Wolf Clan, hunting for the ‘girl with the magical gift'.


Book 1 in the Dead Hearts Series follow Cadence Sinclair was a seventeen year old girl from America’s heartland who loved horseback riding, a comfortable pair of jeans, and hanging out with her friends.
That was before the Scourge.
It’s been eleven months since a deadly virus wiped out billions. For the few who remain, life as they knew it is over. Nations fell, governments were rendered obsolete, and resources became scarce. The human race had to start over, facing even greater odds . . .
Her team, the Fighting Tigers, face increasing dangers threatening the stability of the camp. An uprising in their fragile, new home may bring further devastation, but what they discover lurking beyond their security fences could be the end of the human race.

This was like a cross between the 'Vampire Diaries' and 'The Walking Dead,' with lots of twists and turns that had me riveted from Chap 1 on. Love the strong female lead, quite fearless, while maintaining her humanity in a hostile post apocalyptic environment, I truly enjoyed this book and can't wait to get the next one.